Encrypted X-Crypto Phone

Beyond Existing Security

Are you aware that your competition or rogue actors are trying everything to gain access to your sensitive information and communications.


Do you work with highly sensitive or strategic information that can cause a lot of commotion when it leaks out?

Could it result in long-term negative effects that could expose your organization to lawsuits or damage your international reputation?

The X-Crypto encrypted phone has been developed for these cases.

encrypted crypto phone
Hybrid Crypto phone

Strategic Encrypted Phone

The security layers of the X-Crypto encrypted phone are designed to provide uncompromising secrecy and the reassurance necessary to handle enterprise and governmental-critical information, data and communications.


The X-Crypto phone is constantly protecting its users from side-channel, chip-off, brute-force, electromagnetic, timing, power-monitor, attacks. Thanks to custom-developed in-house security measures.

We offer an encrypted phone in combination with encrypted communication at military-grade level.

Global Security Service

We understand that our customers are constantly on the go, flying over the world and always need to be reachable safely and encrypted.


The X-Crypto has been developed especially for these customers.

When purchasing, you will receive a backup encrypted phone, which is fully tailored for you. If you have forgotten this one, we can have a fully prepared version operational within four hours. With stock in strategic locations worldwide, you can communicate in highly secured encrypted form within twelve hours.

Security and global service united.

rugged military contact