Mobile & IoT Security by X-SYSTEMS

High Secure Video Communication

Mobile & IoT Security

X-SYSTEMS delivers secure Mobile- and IoT solutions to protect critical information and communication on end-points, and during the process as end-to-end. Safeguarding sensitive data and critical information of organisations against eavesdropping, tampering, espionage or interceptions on Mobile- or IoT networks and end-points.

X-SYSTEMS has years of experience, and is specialized on the field of Mobile- and IoT Cyber Security and offers High Assurance (G-/M-) Off-The-Shelf and/or Special Developments products and services to organisations which require the highest level of preventive security to protect critical infrastructures on end-point level and critical decision making via end-to-end (cross-) communications.

Mobile IoT Security
Mobile Security Feature

Mobile Cyber Security

X-SYSTEMS provides unique cyber security mobile solutions delivering secure end-point data storage and end-to-end voice and data communication offering (G-/M-) Off-The-Shelf or tailor made Special Development solutions tailored to the needs of the client.

The sky is no longer the limit. X-SYSTEMS has years of specialized knowledge of end-to-end voice and data communication security.

In-house technologies; Military Grade Crypto Smartphones, Military Grade Tablets, Secure MDM, Secure Voice, Secure Messaging, Secure Data, etc.

X-SYSTEMS deploys all of its expertise to ensure a high level of security, safety and efficiency, for optimized costs.

IoT Cyber Security

Secure IoT networks keep our lives safe. Do not underestimate critical cybersecurity threats, such as abuse or attacks, or organisations may suffer enormous consequences. X-SYSTEMS has specialized experience of secure end-to-end and end-point IoT.

X-SYSTEMS is aware organisations have to be secure, reliable and efficient simultaneously. Many critical processes depend on IoT networks and IoT endpoints, without appropriate secure end-to-end protection an organisation, smart city, public areas or military sites may be susceptible to disruption or attacks. These situations have a high probability rate of occuring, are the risks worth it? Discretion is the better part of valor.

X-SYSTEMS delivers unique high assurance interoperable future-proof security solutions. Transform your Critical IoT Infrastructure into a Secure IoT Infrastructure with X-SYSTEMS.

Video Meeting Platform
Tablet Data Protction

Mission & Expertise

X-SYSTEMS’ mission is to contribute to a safe and secure society providing Mobile & IoT Cyber Security. Providing Mobile Security for decision making professionals within organisations for secure, simple and fast crucial decisions in demanding situations. Delivering IoT Security to protect and enhance our way of living.